Tuesday, May 18, 2010


this summer, s and i are traveling to charleston for the wedding of my college roommate. it will be s' first time in the south (save two days attending meetings at an airport hotel in raleigh). i'm in the process of finding things to see and places to stay. i've managed to find ONE hostel - charleston's notso hostel - it actually looks pretty cool. and they even rent bikes there!

another place that looks awesome is the inn at middleton place (but totally not close to downtown charleston). the architecture is beautiful and you can rent kayaks!

Friday, May 14, 2010


These must be some of the world's cutest pigs.


I was having some computer problems at work and when my computer was rebuilt I installed Chrome instead of Mozilla. I love Chrome!

But, I tried to install it on my Mac at home, and there isn't a version for my Mac OS!